


一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共40分 ,请将答案填在答题卡上)1、有关亚洲说法错误的是A.世界上面积的洲 B.跨经度最广的洲C.跨纬度最广的洲 D.跨东西距离最长的洲2、如果从亚洲的南北方向作剖面图,那么下列地形剖面示意图中最合理的一个是3、人们按照地理方位,把亚洲分为6地区,我国位于A.西亚 B.南亚 C.东亚 D.东南亚4、下列亚洲之最错误的是A.的湖泊:里海 B.的半岛:印度半岛C.陆地最低点:死海 D.亚洲的平原:西西伯利亚平原5、北美洲没有濒临的大洋是A.太 平洋 B.印度洋 C.大西洋 D.北冰洋6、亚洲气候复杂多样,其中分布最广的气候类型是A.温带季风气候 B.热带季风气候 C.温带大陆性气候 D.热带雨林气候7、日本首都东京在日本哪个岛屿A.北海道 B.本州岛 C.四国岛 D.九州岛8、下列对日本经济发展不利的条件是 A.人口稠密,劳动力素质高 B.自然资源匮乏C. 海岸线曲折,多优良港湾 D.海运发达9、暑假,江津区小明同学去日本旅游,对他见闻描述不符合实际的是A.享受美味的生鱼片 B.登美丽的富士山C.观赏刚刚盛开的樱花 D.欣赏具有中国古建筑风格的京都10、小明在日本某海港看到一艘装有大量天然橡胶轮船正在卸货,该天然橡胶最可能是从以下哪个国家进口A.俄罗斯 B.泰国 C.菲律宾 D.印度11、以下国家或者地区,我们可以频繁看到华人华侨的是A.东南亚 B.印度 C.俄罗斯 D.西亚12、以下旅游名胜不属于东南亚的是A.巴厘岛 B.仰光大金塔 C.吴哥窟 D.泰姬陵13、下列关于东南亚叙述错误的是A.东南亚主要求印度半岛和马来群岛组成B.东南亚主要有热带季风气候和热带雨林气候C.东南亚产椰子、蕉麻等热带经济作物D.中南半岛地形具有山河相间纵列分布的特点14、印度最容易发生的自然灾害是A.火山 B.地震 C.泥石流 D.水旱灾害15、以下国家中纬度,气候比较寒冷的是A.中国 B.印度 C.俄罗斯 D.泰国16、关于印度人口叙述正确的是A.印度人口数量是世界人口最多的国家B.印度计划生育在农村和城市取得了很好的效果C.印度人口众多,给印度提供充足劳动力的同时,也给资源环境带来了巨大压力D.通过计划生育,印度人口数量有所减少17、海峡是海 洋运输的重要通道。图中甲、乙、 丙、丁中代表马六甲海峡的是 A. 甲 B. 乙 C.丙 D.丁18、俄罗斯河流众多,被称为“母亲河”的是A.鄂毕河 B.叶尼塞河 C.伏尔加河 D.勒拿河19、俄罗斯的港口A.圣彼得堡 B.符拉迪沃斯托克 C.摩尔曼斯克 D.莫斯科20、俄罗斯重工业发达最主要原因是A交通便利 B市场广阔 C制造业水平高 D自然资源丰富二、填空 题(每空1分,共5分,请将答案填在答题卡上)21.亚洲与非洲的分界线是 。22.世界的山峰是亚洲的 ,世界最深的湖泊是俄罗斯的 。23.印度主要的粮食作物是 和 。三、连线题(每线1分,共5分,请将答案填在答题卡上)24.(5分)把下列河流与其所在国家或地区连线①密西西比河 A.俄罗斯 ②湄公河 B.北美洲 ③长江 C.印度 ④恒河 D.东南亚⑤叶尼塞河 E.中国四、综合题(每空1分,共20分,请将答案填在答题卡上)25.阅读“亚洲图”,回答下列问题。(每空1分,共12分) (1)从经纬度位置来看,亚洲主要位于 (东、西半球)和 半球(南、北半球)。 (2)C 洲,D 洲,E 洲。 (3)F 洋,G 洋,H 洋。 (4)亚洲与北美洲以 海峡为界。 (5)亚洲与欧洲以 山脉、乌拉尔河、里海、大高加索山脉、 海和 海峡为界。 26.读“日本略图”及材料,完成下列问题。(每空1分,共8分)材料:2011年3月11日,日本当地时间14时46分,日本东北部海域发生里氏9.0级地震并引发海啸,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。 (1)日本工业主要分布在 沿岸和 沿岸。(2)近年 来,日本加大海外投资,不断把工厂迁移到国外。对日本来说,其好处是( ) ①保护自己国家生态环境 ②吸收外国先进的生产技术 ③降低运输成本,提高经济效益 ④方便利用它国的劳动力资源 A.①②④ B.①③④ C.②③ D.②④(3)图中A为 ,是日本的活火山。日本火山地震频发的主要原因是因为日本位于 板块与 板块的交界处。(4)本次地震发生后,日本出现燃油紧缺现象,中国政府向日本援助了2万吨燃油,运送燃油应选择最适宜的交通运输方式是 。(铁路、公路、水路、航空、管道)(5)我国也是地震频发的国家。假如初一(1)班的同学正在三楼的教室上课,突然发生了地震,下列应急措施正确的是( )A.靠近窗户的同学迅速从窗户跳下,逃离教学楼B.争先恐后地跑下教学楼C.躲在课桌下面,并用书包护住头部D.大哭大叫,以排遣心中的恐惧一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10B B C B B C B B C B11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20A D A D C C C C A D二、填空题(每空1分,共5分)1. 苏伊士运河 2. 珠穆朗玛峰 贝加尔湖 3. 水稻 小麦 三、连线题(每线1分,共5分)①密西西比河 A.俄罗斯 ②湄公河 B.北美洲 ③长江 C.印度 ④恒河 D.东南亚⑤叶尼塞河 E.中国四、综合题(每空1分,共20分)1. (1) 东半球 北半球 (2) C 非洲 D 北美洲 E 大洋洲 (3) F 太平洋 G 印度洋 H 北冰洋 (5) 白令海峡 (6) 乌拉尔 黑海 土耳其 2. (1 ) 太平洋 濑户内海 (顺序可颠倒)(2) B (3) 富士山 亚欧板块 太平洋板块 (顺序可颠倒)(4) 水路 (5) C


一、听力测试 (25分)A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)()1. What can Lucy do?A. She can sing. B. She can dance. C. She can play the piano.()2. What time does Mike go to school?A. At 6:45. B. At 7:15. C. At 7:00.()3. How does Lucy go to school?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.()4. Why does Kate like pandas?A. They are cute. B. They are friendly. C. They are clever.()5. What’s the weather like in Beijing?A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.B)请听下面4段对话和1段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项。听每段对话或独白前你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分)请听第1段对话,回答第6至7小题。()6. Who can play the drums?A. Both Anna and Bob. B. Bob. C. Anna.()7. What club does Bob want to join?A. The music club. B. The English club. C. The chess club.请听第2段对话,回答第8至第9小题。()8. How far is Frank’s home from school?A. Five kilometers. B. Ten kilometers. C. Two kilometers.()9. How long does it take Mary to go to school?A. Ten minutes. B. Five minutes. C. Fifteen minutes.请听第3段对话,回答第10至第l2小题。()10. What are they talking about?A. Some interesting books. B. Their school life. C. Family rules.()11. What can’t Lucy do on school nights?A. Watch TV. B. Play computer games. C. Read books late.()12. What does Lucy have to do on weekends?A. Wash her clothes. B. Take a shower. C. Clean her room.请听第4段对话,回答第13至第l6小题。()13. Where is David now?A. In Beijing. B. In Moscow. C. In New York.()14. What’s Kate doing?A. Having dinner. B. Watching TV. C. Playing computer games.()15. How’s the weather in Moscow?A. Warm and sunny. B. Cold and snowy. C. Windy and dry.()16. What will David do tomorrow?A. Go swimming. B. Go skating. C. Go shopping.请听1段独白,回答第17至第20小题。()17. Where will they go?A. To the City Park. B. To the City Museum. C. To the City Zoo.()18. How will they go there?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By subway.()19. How long will it take them to go there?A. Only one hour. B. Over two hours. C. Over three hours.()20. What will they have for lunch?A. Bread. B. Water and apples. C. Both A and B.C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成五个句子,每个句子一空,每个空格不超过3个单词。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。短文读两遍。(每小题1分)School Library Rules21. You have to be ______________in the school.22. Don’t bring any ______________in the library.23. Never ___________when you go into the library.24. Don’t __________loudly.25. The library is not open after _________in the afternoon, so return the books in time.二、单项填空(15分)请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的选项。(每小题1分)()26. –Can you swim? --___________, but my brother Tom can.A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I don’t.()27. The boy can play _____basketball, but he can’t play ______violin.A. a; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /; the()28. --_______do you usually go to school? --_______seven o’clock _____the morning.A. What time; At; in B. When; In; atC. How; At; in D. What time; At; on()29. We read 9:45 _________in English.A. nine forty five B. a quarter to nineC. a quarter to ten D. a quarter past nine()30. _____ does your sister go to school? –She goes to school in my father’s car.A. What B. when C. Why D. How()31. I go to school by _______, but my best friend goes there ______foot.A. a bike; by B. bikes; on C. bike; on D. bike; by()32. --_______does it take you _______to school every day? –About twenty minutes.A. How long; get B. When; to getC. What time; to get D. How long; to get()33. –Don’t arrive late for class, Tom. --_____________.A. Sorry, I won’t do it again. B. It doesn’t matter.C. You’re welcome. D. The same to you.()34. I have _______homework to do at school, and I have ______rules at home.A. too much; too many B. too much; too muchC. too many; too much D. too many; too many()35. --_____do you like pandas? –Because they’re ___________.A. Why; lazy B. How; scary C. Why; cute D. When; cute()36. There are _______animals in the zoo, and the pandas are _______shy.A. kinds of; kinds of B. kind of; kind ofC. kinds of; kind of D. kind of; kinds of()37. Please don’t talk loudly here. The students _________the teacher in class.A. listen B. are listening to C. are listening D. listen to()38. --_______________in Shanghai? –It’s windy and cloudy.A. What’s the weather like B. How’s the weather likeC. How’s the weather look like D. What does the weather look like()39. The weather is fine. The students are having a good time _______basketball.A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays()40. --___________? –Not bad, we’re having a great time. Thank you.A. What are you doing? B. How’s the weather in Beijing?C. How do you get to school? D. How’s it going?三、完形填空(25分)A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的选项。(每小题1分)Every school has its own rules. Then I will talk 41 one of the rules. At some schools, the students 42 to wear uniforms on school days. But many students don’t 43 to wear their school uniforms. 44 think the uniforms are the ugliest (最丑的) 45 in the world. But the schools 46 allow (允许) students to wear 47 own clothes at school. So some students 48 cartoons or some famous singers on their 49 . They think it is very 50 that everyone wears the same. It 51 very unfair(不公平的) that teachers and students wear clothes 52 . But most of the students 53 the rules. What do you think 54 it? Do you 55 your school uniform?()41. A. to B. about C. with D. in()42. A. has B. must C. should D. have()43. A. think B. have C. like D. dislike()44. A. They B. We C. He D. She()45. A. clothes B. shirt C. skirt D. cloth()46. A. not B. don’t C. no D. doesn’t()47. A. their B. they C. them D. themselves()48. A. read B. cut C. see D. draw()49. A. school bags B. books C. uniforms D. desks()50. A. bored B. boring C. interesting D. interested()51. A. be B. is C. are D. am()52. A. same B. differently C. different D. difference()53. A. follow B. agree C. listen D. break()54. A. of B. with C. by D. for()55. A. like B. make C. wash D. putB)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词中选出最恰当的l0个单词填空。每个词限用一次。(每小题1分)place; monkey; zoo; live; from; tree; much; houses; scary; friendly; Africa; ChinaThere are many kinds of animals on the earth. We can see some of them in the 56. . Koalas come 57. Australia. They are quiet, friendly and cute. Children like them very much. Every koala needs a 58. for a home. Penguins (企鹅) are quiet and interesting, but they are not 59. . Giraffes come from 60. . They are interesting and exciting. They need big houses. Lions are from the same 61. as giraffes. They are exciting but 62. Tigers come from India and China. They are exciting and scary, too. Lions and tigers need a large place to 63. in. Pandas are from 64. . They are cute and friendly. They don’t need big 65. . There are also some other animals like bears, monkeys, deer camels and so on.四、阅读理解(40分)A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出选项。(每小题2分)ARule One Rule Two1. You can come into the room only with your teacher. Here are the rules for Emily.1. You must get up before 6:30am.2. Don’t eat or drink in the room. 2. Don’t listen to music.3. Don’t listen to music. 3. Don’t talk loudly on the phone.4. Be quiet. Don’t talk to each other 4. Go to bed by 10:00 pm5.Turn off all the computers and close windows after class. 5. You can’t meet friends if you don’t finish your homework6. Clean your bedroom yourself.()66. What is not allowed(允许) in both the two rules?A. Eating or drinking. B. Listening to music.C. Meeting friends. D. Coming into the room alone.()67. What may Rule One be for? .A. A computer room. B. A classroom.C, A bedroom. D. A dining room.()68. Which rule is NOT for Emily?A. Turn off the computers and close windowsB. Don’t listen to music.C. Don t talk loudly on the phone.D. Clean your bedroom yourself.BIt's a fine day. The White family gets up at seven o'clock. They have breakfast at seven forty. And then they go to the park. They take a basket of food and a carpet (地毯). The park is not far from their home, so they ride bikes there. When they get to the park, it’s half past eight. Mr. and Mrs. White are talking with each other. Their son, Ted, is playing with a ball. Their daughter, Jenny, is taking photos.After about an hour, Ted and Jenny sit down to relax. At that time, they see a squirrel eating a pine nut (松子) in a big tree. When they see the squirrel eating, they feel hungry. They go to help their parents take the food out of the basket. Ted has a hamburger. Hamburgers are his favorite food. Jenny has an apple. Mr. and Mrs. White have some bread. They have a great time in the park.()69. What do the family take to the park?A. A basket of food and a book. B. A carpet and a dog.C. A basket of food and a carpet. D. Food and clothes.()70. When do they get to the park?A. At 8:30 a.m. B. At 8:00 a.m.C. At 7:40 a.m. D. At 7:00 a.m.()71. What is Jenny doing in the park?A. She is reading a book. B. She is taking photos.C. She is playing with a ball. D. She is drawing pictures.()72. What does the underlined word “squirrel” refer to (指)?A. A kind of fruit. B. A kind of sport.C. A kind of drink. D. A kind of animal.CHi, I’m Nick. I am very busy from Monday to Friday. In the morning, I always get up and take a shower at six ten. After half an hour, I have breakfast. After I finish eating, I get dressed and go to school by bike. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to school.After school, I go to the English club. Because my English is not very good, I join the English club at school. The students in the club get together to practice speaking English at half past five. We can talk in English and we can tell English stories in the club. It is good for us to improve our English.()73. When does Nick have breakfast?A. At 5:45. B. At 6:10. C. At 6:40. D. At 7:00.()74. How does Nick get to school?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By subway. D. By train.()75. What do students get together to do?A. To talk with each other. B. To do homework.C. To practice English. D. To listen to the stories.()76. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. It takes Nick about thirty minutes to get to school.B. Nick’s English is good.C. The students in club can’t tell English stories.D. Nick thinks the English club is good.DWhat will the weather be like in the future? Some people say they can know the weather from animals.If birds are flying high in the sky, there will be a nice day. When they sit in trees or stay close together, bad weather is on the way. Ants often build their homes on the steep (陡峭的) side just before the rain comes. Cats like to clean their ears before the rain. Chickens make a loud noise and run here and there when the rain is coming. Frogs will stay in the water and make a lot of noise, too. But on a nice day, they are quiet and jump out of the water. Turtles (海龟) often look for higher ground and cows like to lie down when the rain is on the way.()77. How will the weather be if birds are flying high in the sky?A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy. D. Snowy.()78. What do cats like to do before the rain?A. Clean their feet. B. Clean their ears.C. Run everywhere. D. Stay at home.()79. How many animals does the passage mention (提到)?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Seven.()80. What’s the best title for the passage?A. Animals. B. Animals like different weather.C. The Weather. D. Animals and weather.B)请阅读下面短文。根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。(每小题2分)There’s a music club at Hongxing Primary School. 81   Look! Anna, Bob and Leo like singing and they’re singing an English song with the help of their music teacher. 82 Mike can play the saxophone well. Alice is playing the drums. It is the new team of the club. 83 They will give a show at the party on Sunday evening. Daniel is a quiet boy. 84 He doesn’t like to talk with others. A few minutes later, Mike and Tom come in and invite him to join their team. 85 And now they are playing music together.五、书面表达(15分)假如你是李华,你有两个笔友。请根据下列表格内容并以My Pen Friends为题介绍你的笔友情况。姓名 Chen Peng Mary年龄 13 11居住城市 Shanghai Moscow特长及加入的俱乐部 Play basketball / sports club Sing and dance/music club上学的交通方式 By bike By bus喜欢的动物及原因 Pandas/cute Koalas/friendly住地天气 Sunny Snowy现在的动作 Play basketball Make a snowman with friends高安中学2013-2014学年下学期期中考试初一英语试题听力材料A) 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)1. M: Can you sing and dance, Lucy?W: No, I can’t, but I can play the piano.2. M: What time do you go to school, Cindy?W: I go to school at seven o’clock. What about you, Mike?M: Oh, I go there at about a quarter past seven.3. M: How do you go to school, Mary?W: I go to school by bike, and my best friend Lucy goes to school by bus.4. M: What are your favorite animals, Kate?W: My favorite animals are pandas. They are very cute.5. M: Hello, Rick speaking.W: Hello, Rick. How’s the weather in Toronto?M: It’s rainy. What’s the weather like in Beijing, Cindy?W: It’s sunny.B) 请听下面4段对话和1段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项。听每段对话或独白前你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第1段对话,回答第6至7小题。M: Hi, Anna!W: Hi, Bob!M: Anna, what club do you want to join?W: I want to join the music club.M: Can you sing and dance?W: No, but I can play the drums. What about you, Bob?M: I can play the chess. I want to join the chess club.请听第2段对话,回答第8至第9小题。M: How do you go to school, Mary?W: I go to school by bike. What about you, Frank?M: I go to school by bus. My home is about 10 kilometers from the school.W: Oh, my home is only two kilometers from school. It takes me about 10 minutes.请听第3段对话,回答第10至第l2小题。M: Can you go to the movie with me tonight, Lucy?W: I’m afraid not. I can’t go out on school nights.M: That’s too bad.W: I have many rules at home.M: Like what?W: I can’t stay out late after school.M: Oh, I see.W: I can’t play computer games on school nights.M: I can’t, either.W: On weekends, I have to wash my clothes.M: Oh! Me, too.请听第4段对话,回答第13至第l6小题。M: Hello, David speaking.W: Hi, David. This is Kate speaking. How’s it going?M: Not bad. What’s the weather like in Moscow?W: It’s cold and snowy. So I am playing computer games at home.M: It’s warm and sunny here in Beijing. And we are going shopping tomorrow.请听1段独白,回答第17至第20小题。Hello, boys and girls! Here is some information about our trip to the City Zoo. We’ll go there by bus. It’s a long trip, over 2 hours. So we have to leave early. The bus will wait for us at the school gate at 7:00 tomorrow morning. We’ll take some bread, water and apples for lunch and we will eat together there. We will go back home at 3:00pm. If you have any question, please give me a call. My phone number is 231-7658. See you tomorrow.C) 请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成五个句子,每个句子一空,每个空格不超过3个单词。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。短文读两遍。Welcome to the school library. We have some rules for you. First, you must be a student in our school. Second, don’t bring any food or drinks into the library. You can’t eat or drink here. Third, never run in the library. Fourth, you need to keep quiet in the library. Don’t talk loudly. Finally, the library is not open after six o’clock in the afternoon. You must return the books in time. Please follow the rules and enjoy your time in the library.初一英语试题参考答案一、听力测试1-5 CBAAB 6-10CCBAC 11-15 BAACB 16-20 CCABC21. a student 22. food or drinks 23. run 24. talk 25. six o’clock / 6:00二、单项填空26-30 BDACD 31-35 CDAAC 36-40 CBABD三、完形填空41-45 BDCAA 46-50 BADCB 51-55 BBAAA56. zoo 57. from 58. tree 59. friendly 60. Africa61. place 62. scary 63. live 64. China 65. houses四、完形填空66-70 BAACA 71-75 BDCBC 76-80 DABDD 81-85 GAEFC五、书面表达My Pen friendsMy name is Li Hua. I have two pen friends. They are Chen Peng and Mary. Chen Peng is 13 years old. Mary is only 11. Chen Peng lives in Shanghai. He plays basketball well and he joins the sports club. Mary can sing and dance and she is in the music club. Chen Peng goes to school by bike. Mary takes a bus to the school. Chen Peng likes pandas very much because they are cute. Mary thinks koalas are very friendly so she likes them. Now it’s sunny in Shanghai and Chen Peng is playing basketball. It’s snowing in Moscow. Mary is making a snowman with her friends now.


一、选择题(每题2分,共35题,计70分)注意:将选择题答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上1. 世界上跨纬度最广、东西距离最长的大洲是( )A、北美洲 B、南极洲 C、非洲 D、亚洲2.下列大洲分界线,属于亚洲与欧洲的是( ) A、白令海峡 B、马六甲海峡C、乌拉尔山、乌拉尔河 D、直布罗陀海峡3.亚洲的地势特点是( ) A、西高东低 B、东高西低C、中部高四周低 D、中部低四周高4.“我们亚洲,河像热血流”是说亚洲河流众多,奔流不息。下列关于亚洲河流叙述正确的是( )A、都自西向东流 B、都自北向南流C、呈放射状流向周边的海洋 D、流向没有规律5.亚洲没有的气候类型是( )A、热带雨林气候 B、热带草原气候C、地中海气候 D、热带沙漠气候6.下列不是亚洲气候特点的是( )A、复杂多样 B、季风气候显著C、大陆性气候分布广 D、夏季降水多7.世界面积的咸水湖是( )A、死海 B、黑海 C、里海 D、地中海8.世界上的高原( )A、青藏高原 B、中西伯利亚高原C、巴西高原 D、内蒙古高原9.世界上面积的半岛( )A、阿拉伯半岛 B、印度半岛 C、中南半岛 D、朝鲜半岛10.世界四大文明古国中位于 亚洲的一组是( )①印度 ②中国 ③埃及 ④古巴比伦A、①②③ B、②③④ C、①②④ D、①③④11.下列国家当中属于岛国的是( )A、中国 B、日本 C、俄罗斯 D、印度12.被称为“十字路口”的位置是( )A、东亚 B、东南亚 C、南亚 D、中亚13.下列亚洲国家中,地震频发的是( ) A、东亚的日本 B、南亚的印度C、中亚的哈萨克斯坦 D、西亚的伊拉克14.日本资源匮乏,下列进口原料当中所占比重最低的是( )A、石油 B、木材 C、铁矿石 D、煤炭15日本的四大岛,由北向南排列顺序是( )A、北海道、本州、九州、四国 B、本州、北海道、九州、四国C、九州、四国、北海道、本州 D、北海道、本州、四国、九州16.日本因_______经济发达,而成为世界上的经济强国 ( )A、畜牧业 B、海洋渔业 C、林业 D、加工贸易 17.东南亚一直是热点旅游地区,其中佛教标志性建筑吴哥窟在( )A、马来西亚 B、新加坡 C、越南 D、柬埔寨18.东南亚许多国家的某种物产长居世界第一位,世界上的天然橡胶生产国( )A、菲律宾 B、泰国 C、马来西亚 D、印度尼西亚19.热带季风气候的特点是( )A、全年高温,降水稀少 B、全年高温,旱雨季分明C、全年高温多雨 D、夏季高温多雨、冬季低温少雨,四季分明20.夏季风强的年份,亚洲东部和南部可能出现的灾害天气是( )A、霜冻 B、旱灾 C、洪灾 D、焚风21.被称为“海上生 命线”的海峡( )A、直布罗陀海峡 B、英吉利海峡 C、霍尔木兹海峡 D、马六甲海峡22.下列国家中,位于马六甲海峡沿岸的是( )A、泰国 B、柬埔寨 C、新加坡 D、文莱23.下列 有关东南亚的物产,正确的选项是( )A、主要生产的粮食作物是小麦 B、主要物产的经济作物是水稻C、天然橡胶的产量居世界首位 D、泰国是世界上生产蕉麻最多的国家24.下列国家中,与我国相邻的内陆国是( )A 、朝鲜 B、俄罗斯 C、越南 D、老挝25.被称为“花园城市”的国家是( )A、越南 B、缅甸 C、柬埔寨 D、新加坡26.下列关于中南半岛的地形、河流分布特点的正确选项是( )A、地势南高北低,山脉、河流纵列分布B、山脉、河流 相间排列,且呈东 西走向C、地势北高南低,山脉、河流纵列分布D、所有河流最终都注入太平洋27.下列关于印度的叙述,不正确的是( ) A、与中国相邻 B、位于南亚地区C、人口数量世界第一 D、为世界文明古国28.印度的古代建筑是( ) A、吴哥窟 B、泰姬陵 C、冬宫 D、佛光宝塔29.印度的地形分布特点是( )A、南部为喜马拉雅山、北部为德干高原、南部为恒河平原B、南部为德干高原、北部为喜马拉雅山、中部为恒河平原C、北部为喜马拉雅山、中部为德干高原、南部为恒河平原D、南部为喜马拉雅山、中部为恒河平 原、西部为德干高原30.下列国家中,目前软件产业最发达的是 ( )A、俄罗斯 B、中国 C、印度 D、巴西31.世界上面积的国家 ( ) A俄罗斯 B、加拿大 C、中国 D、巴西32.欧洲第一长河被俄罗斯人亲切的成为“母亲河”,这条河是( )A、莱茵河 B、多瑙河 C、伏尔加河 D、易北河33.俄罗斯大部分地区属( )A、温带季风气候 B、温带草原气候C、地中海气候 D、温带大陆性气候34.俄罗斯最发达的工业区是 ( )A、圣彼得堡工业区 B、莫斯科工业区C、乌拉尔工业区 D、库兹巴斯工业区35.俄罗斯太平洋沿岸港口城市是( )A、摩尔曼斯克 B、海参崴 C、伏尔加格勒 D、圣彼得堡二.读图题(共2题,每空格1分,计30分)36.阅读下列材料,完成以下问题。(14分) 材料一:印尼苏门答腊岛西北部亚齐省附近海面发生20世纪以来第5大地震,地震发生后触发杀伤力极大的巨型海啸,席卷印尼、马尔代夫、斯里兰卡、印度、孟加拉、泰国、缅甸及非洲索马里等国家及地区,造成大规模破坏和人员伤亡。 资料二:英国地质专家麦圭尔教授说:“在几分钟之内,就苏门答腊岛而言,它已发生了移动。”平面位置不仅 有所移动,它们的高度也发生了变化。 资料三:中国专家认为:灾难的发生与全球气候变化导致的海平面升高有重要关系。大量排放温室气体导致全球变暖,两极冰层逐渐融化,全球海平面逐年上升,这次海啸中,如果海平面只有19世纪那样的高度,损失会小一些。 (1)作为一名支援灾区的志愿者,你能对照右图,将受灾国与他们在图中的代号连线吗? A 印度尼西亚 B 马来西亚 C 泰国 D 缅甸 E 印度 F 斯里兰卡(2)读图写出下列地理名称:H ________洋 、 G________岛 (3)这次印度洋海啸的触发原因是________,这次地震发生的范围位于________板块与________板块交界处,这种现象的发生可以用________学说进行解释。 (4)全球变暖与人类大量排放温室气体有关,温室气体主要是指________,请你举出至少一种减少温室气体排放所应采取的行动:________________________________。37.读某区域图,完成下列小题。(16分)(1)国家:A ________,B________,C________。岛屿:D________,E________,F________,G________。海或洋:H_______海,I_______洋。 (2)J是日本的国家象征_______,它是一座火山,因为日本处于地震带,位于_______板块和__________板块交界处。 (3)日本民族构成________,_______民族占绝对优势,传统服装是_______。(4)日本的 首都是_______。

二、读图题 (每空1分,计30分)36. (1)略 (2)印度洋 苏门答腊岛 (3) 海底地震 亚欧 、 印度洋(不分先后顺序) 板块构造(4)二氧化碳 减少化石燃料的使用



1. 2.


(1) (2) (3)

(4) (5) (6)

(7)3a2-9ab (8) (9)

(10)x3-25x; (11)x2y2-1; (12)3x2+6xy+3 y2;

(13)(a+b)2+2(a+b)+1; (14)(x2+y2) 2-4x2y2 (15)4x4-4x3+x2;

(16)ab+a+b+1; (17) (18)x4-81


(1) (2)


11.1+ >5- 12.

13. 14.





(3)根据“图形平移”的性质,得BB1= cm,AC与A1C1的位置关系是: .

七、如图12,已知AB∥CD,∠B = ∠C.求证.:∠E=∠F

八、 如果不等式4x-3a>-1与不等式2(x-1)+3>5的解集相同,请确定a的值。

九.已知不等式组 (1)如果这个不等式组无解,则a的取值范围为?


十、1若 ,则求 的值



3.(1)已知 是关于 的完全平方式,则 = ;

(2)若二项式4m2+1加上一个单项式后是一含m的完全平方式,则单项式为 ;


一、选择题 (本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.如图所示,∠1和∠2是对顶角的是( )2.计算 的结果是 ( )A.2 B.±2 C.-2 D.43.实数-2,0.3, , ,-π中,无理数的个数有(   )A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个4.我们常用如图所示的方法过直线外一点画已知直线的平行线,其依据是( )A.同位角相等,两直线平行   B.内错角相等,两直线平行C.同旁内角互补,两直线平行 D.两直线平行,同位角相等5.估计 的值 (   )A.在3到4之间 B.在4到5之间 C.在5到6之间 D.在6到7之间6.方程组 的解为 ,则被遮盖的两个数分别为 ( )A.5,2 B.1,3 C.2,3 D.4,27.把点(2,一3)先向右平移3个单位长度,再向下平移2个单位长度得到的点的坐标是 ( )A.(5,-1)   B.(-1,-5)C.(5,-5)  D.(-1,-1)8.若点P是第二象限内的点,且点P到x轴的距离是4,到y轴的距离是3,则点P的坐标是 ( )A.(-4,3) B.(4,-3) C.(-3,4) D.(3,-4)9.甲、乙两种商品原来的单价和为100元,因市场变化,甲商品降价10%,乙商品提价40%,调价后两种商品的单价和比原来的单价和提高了20%.若设甲、乙两种商品原来的单价分别为x元、y元,则下列方程组正确的是 ( )A. B.C. D.10.如图,数轴上表示1、 的对应点分别为点A、点B.若点A是BC的中点,则点C所表示的数为 ( )A. B.C. D.二、填空题 (本大题共8小题,每小题4分,共32分)11.如果用(7,1)表示七年级一班,那么八年级五班可表示成  .12.计算: = .13.把命题“等角的补角相等”写成“如果……,那么……”形式为:  .14.已知 是方程 的解,则 的值为 .15.一个正数的两个平方根分别为a+3和2a+3,则a=.16.已知2a+3b+4=0,则 .17.已知点A(4,3),AB∥y轴,且AB=3,则B点的坐标为 .18.三个同学对问题“若方程组 的解是 ,求方程组 的解.”提出各自的想法.甲说:“这个题目好象条件不够,不能求解”;乙说:“它们的系数有一定的规律,可以试试”;丙说:“能不能把第二个方程组的两个方程的两边都除以5,通过换元替换的方法来解决”.参考他们的讨论,你认为这个题目的解应该是 .三、解答题 (本大题共8小题,共58分)19.(本题满分8分)(1)解方程:  (2)解方程组:20.(本题满分6分)如图,AB∥CD,BE平分∠ABC,∠DCB=140°,求∠ABD和∠EDC的度数.21.(本题满分6分)在y= 中,当 时,y= ; 时,y= ; 时,y= ,求 的值.22.(本题满分6分)如图,直线AB是某天然气公司的主输气管道,点C、D是在AB异侧的两个小区,现在主输气管道上寻找支管道连接点,铺设管道向两个小区输气.有以下两个方案:方案一:只取一个连接点P,使得向两个小区铺设的支管道总长度最短;方案二:取两个连接点M和N,使得点M到C小区铺设的支管道最短,使得点N到D小区铺设的管道最短.om(1)在图中标出点P、M、N的位置,保留画图痕迹;(2)设方案一中铺设的支管道总长度为L1,方案二中铺设的支管道总长度为L2,则L1 与L2的大小关系为:L1 L2(填“>”、“ L2 ……………………………… (6分)23、解:ABBC,BCCD(已知) ……………………………… (每空1分,共6分)∠ABC=∠DCB=90°( 垂直的定义  )∠1=∠2(已知)∠EBC =∠FCB (等式性质)BE∥CF( 内错角相等,两直线平行  )24、解:(1) (-3,1); (-2,-2) ; (-1,-1) ; ……… (3分)(2)先向左平移4个单位,再向下平移2个单位或  先向下平移2个单位,再向左平移4个单位   ……… (4分)(3) (a-4,b-2) …………………………………………… (5分)(4)将 补成长方形,减去3个直角三角形的面积得:6-1.5-0.5-2=2 ……………………………………… (8分)(补成其他图形均可,酌情给分)25、解:∠AGF=∠ABC. ……………………………………… (1分)理由如下:DEAC,BFAC∠AFB=∠AED=90° ……………………………………… (2分)BF∥DE ……………………………………… (3分)∠2+∠3=180° ……………………………………… (4分)又∠1+∠2=180°∠1=∠3 ……………………………………… (5分)GF∥BC ……………………………………… (6分)∠AGF=∠ABC. ……………………………………… (7分)26、解:(1)设第1次购进A商品x件,B商品y件.由题意得:(2)设B商品打m折出售.由题意得:…………… (8分)解得:m=9 …………………………… (9分)答:B商品打9折销售的.


一、选择题(本题共10个小题,每题4分,共40分)1.在 , , , , , , …中,无理数的个数是()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.42、三个实数- ,-2,- 之间的大小关系 ( )A、- >- >-2 B、- >-2>- C、-2>- >- D、- <-2<- 3、下列叙述中正确的是( ) A.(-11)2的算术平方根是±11 B.大于零而小于1的数的算术平方根比原数大 C.大于零而小于1的数的平方根比原数大 D.任何一个非负数的平方根都是非负数4、.若a

