《 Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》本刊作为国家教委委托复旦大学主办的、著名数学家苏步青院士任名誉主编的、李大潜院士任主编的(1999年开始)、一份面向国内外的综合性的数学刊物,主要用英文刊登纯粹数学和应用数学两方面具有创造性的学术论文,其中包括几何、拓扑、代数、偏微分方程、常微分方程、控制论、泛函分析、函数论、计算数学、概率统计、运筹学、数理逻辑等各数学分支学科的学术论文。面向高等学校教师、研究生、高年级学生和从事数学、应用数学专业的科研人员及其他的数学工作者。
《 Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》发表的论文被美国的《科学引文索引》的扩充版(SCIE)、《计算数学引文索引》(CMCI)、美国和西德出版的《数学评论杂志》、美国出版的《当代数学出版物》(CMP)和《中国科学文摘》、《中国数学文摘》、《CUJA》、《中国学术期刊文摘》、《中国学术期刊文摘(光盘版)》、《中国科学引文索引》、《中国科技论文统计源》、《万方数据——数字化期刊群》等12种期刊和数据库摘录和评论。
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Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B
On 2-Adjacency Between LinksZhixiong TAO;
A Description of Fixed Subgroups of Free GroupsQiang ZHANG;
Mean Value of Kloosterman Sums over Short IntervalsYaming LU;
Canonical Metrics on Generalized Cartan-Hartogs DomainsYihong HAO;
Constructions of Metric (n+1)-Lie AlgebrasRuipu BAI;Shuangshuang CHEN;
Positivity of Fock Toeplitz Operators via the Berezin TransformXianfeng ZHAO;
Abstract Elliptic Equations with Integral Boundary ConditonsVeli SHAKHMUROV;
Stochastic H_2/H_∞ Control for Poisson Jump-Diffusion SystemsMeijiao WANG;
Homology Groups of Simplicial ComplementsJun MA;Feifei FAN;Xiangjun WANG;
Estimates for Fourier Coefficients of Cusp Forms in Weight AspectHengcai TANG;
Musical Isomorphisms and Problems of LiftsRabia CAKAN;Kursat AKBULUT;Arif SALIMOV;
On a Dual Risk Model Perturbed by Diffusion with Dividend ThresholdHui ZHI;Jiangyan PU;
On the Number of Integral Ideals in Two Different Quadratic Number FieldsZhishan YANG;
Orientable Small Covers over a Product SpaceDanting WANG;Yanying WANG;Yanhong DING;
Geometrical Realization of Low-Dimensional Complete IntersectionsJianbo WANG;Jianpeng DU;
Symmetric Periodic Orbits and Uniruled Real Liouville DomainsUrs FRAUENFELDER;Otto van KOERT;
Augmentation Quotients for Complex Representation Rings of Generalized Quaternion GroupsShan CHANG;
Some Properties of Meromorphic Solutions to Systems of Complex Differential-Difference EquationsHaichou LI;
Symmetries and Their Lie Algebra of a Variable Coefficient Korteweg-de Vries HierarchyXiaoying ZHU;Dajun ZHANG;
Local Precise Large and Moderate Deviations for Sums of Independent Random VariablesFengyang CHENG;Minghua LI;
An Initial-Boundary Value Problem for Parabolic Monge-Ampère Equation in Mathematical FinanceMing LI;Changyu REN;
Cohen-Fischman-Westreich's Double Centralizer Theorem for Almost-Triangular Hopf AlgebrasGuohua LIU;Xiaofan ZHAO;
Exact Controllability with Internal Controls for First-Order Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems with Zero EigenvaluesKaili ZHUANG;
New Subclasses of Biholomorphic Mappings and the Modified Roper-Suffridge OperatorChaojun WANG;Yanyan CUI;Hao LIU;
Order Bounded Weighted Composition Operators Mapping into the Dirichlet Type SpacesYongxin GAO;Sanjay KUMAR;Zehua ZHOU;
On the GF(p) Linear Complexity of Hall's Sextic Sequences and Some Cyclotomic-Set-Based SequencesXianmang HE;Liqin HU;Dong LI;
Sharp Distortion Theorems for a Subclass of Biholomorphic Mappings Which Have a Parametric Representation in Several Complex VariablesXiaosong LIU;Taishun LIU;
Recognizing the Automorphism Groups of Mathieu Groups Through Their Orders and Large Degrees of Their Irreducible CharactersYanxiong YAN;Liangcai ZHANG;Haijing XU;Guiyun CHEN;
The Cauchy Problem for Coupled Nonlinear Schr dinger Equations with Linear Damping: Local and Global Existence and Blowup of SolutionsJo?o-Paulo DIAS;M?rio FIGUEIRA;Vladimir V.KONOTOP;
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